Book a flight for only a fraction upfront

Purchase your flight in installments before your departure date


Ticket $1,100.00
Purchased @ $407.00 upfront


Ticket $820.00
Purchased @ $303.40 upfront


Patrick & Sarah
Ticket $1,500.00
Purchased @ $555.00 upfront

Los Angeles

Ticket $402.00
Purchased @ $148.74 upfront

How it works

The easy and convenient way to lift off

Submit your ticket

Find a flight from your favorite travel site, take and upload a screenshot of your flight details.

Lock in

Book your flight for a fraction of the cost upfront and pay the remaining balance in installments before your departure date.

Receive e-ticket

Receive your e-ticket after your last payment. Pack light.

Why people love us

Price protection

Book with us and we'll secure your airfare in advance when prices are cheaper. Protect yourself from price hikes no one likes.

No hidden fees. No credit checks

Pay a one time service fee for each booking. No credit checks. We don't believe your credit score is the best representation of you.

Flexible and guaranteed

Now you have the option to not pay the full cost upfront for your ticket. With Airfordable you pay for your flight for a fraction upfront and the rest in installments before you travel. You will receive your e-ticket once the final payment is made. No gimmicks. No hassle.

Safe, secure and guaranteed

Every interaction with Airfordable uses bank-level security and encryption. Sensitive data is safe with Airfordable.

Amazing community

Our travelers are diverse and smart spenders looking for creative ways to travel. Airfordable is the bond that brings them together.

In good hands

Airfordable is a humane technology company whose sole mission is to help you travel more, but in an easy and financially responsible way.

Join the AF community

Over 10,000 travelers look to Airfordable for traveling in a responsible and systematic way

Elaine Jane Abesames

I'm really happy to have found Airfordable! They offer flexible installments which I love! It's truly a dream come true! Thank you for helping me book my dream vacation to the Bahamas!!!

Joel Grant

I was able to book a flight to Madrid, Spain for me and my girlfriend this summer through Airfordable. Being that this is my first Euro trip, I'm super excited.

Autumn Dowis

I chose to book with Airfordable because it was simple, quick, easy, and affordable of course! As a full-time college student who also works full-time, Airfordable helped to ease the burden of a large up-front payment.

Catrina Banks

I decided to utilize Airfordable, because it gave me the opportunity to lock in the price on plane tickets while making payments that was convenient for my family. This was the best decision that I could have made!!

Frequently asked questions

Below are a few questions you might be itching to ask. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, email us at

What is Airfordable?

Airfordable allows you to book a flight for a fraction of the cost upfront and pay the remaining balance in installments before your departure date.

Does Airfordable check my credit?

No. You are so much more than your credit score, so we don’t turn you into a three digit number.

Do you charge a service fee?

Yes, we do. Airfordable charges a one-time service fee. Sign in and use the installment calculator to determine your fee.

What happens if the price changes after I book?

Our crystal ball hasn’t arrived yet. Until it does, we cannot predict any price changes. With Airfordable, you are paying to protect your airfare from increasing in price which can be a lot more costly than price drops.